Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Pride of Dieng

On The Table


I know it doesn't feel brand new here with me retaining the old design. What can I say, I'm either an old fashioned blogger or just too lazy to whip up a new design. In which the latter seems to be more likely. Nevertheless, it feels home, doesn't it? Although I'm not quite sure if I'm still into blogging. Despite the time constraint, if I'm still into this, I should've always been able to find time to blog, shouldn't I? To take pictures and write. When I keep coming up with the same old reason not to blog, doesn't it say something? So why bother then?

Gee, you know what? I don't know. Maybe I just miss it. Or being too nostalgic. Maybe I just don't wanna let go yet. Or maybe, by keeping up blogging I'm hoping to be able to go back to those good old times. When everything seemed to be simpler and time was abundant.

Oh, screw.

I wanna tell you a story about the pride of Dieng Plateau. Carica and Dieng potatoes.